Shaw Strings and the Internet: How and What Platforms I Use For My Private Music Studio

There is little doubt the Internet has changed the world over the last thirty years in ways few could have expected. I grew up with these changes happening around me and now it is hard for me to envision a life without these tools, especially in the way I communicate about my work. Can you relate? 

Today I wanted to share with you the various platforms where you can find me sharing information about my studio and music business, as well as where you can find any information you might look for regarding my music services. Currently I use Instagram, Facebook and my studio website as a resource for parents to find information about myself and the studio, and I also use Pinterest to organize teaching ideas for myself! I’ve tried to keep this post succinct so you can easily find out where the information you want to know will be, but if you have any further questions about where to find information, please let me know in the comments below.

Continue on to see where I am online and how I use it for my private studio business! 


  • What information do I share here? You will find reminders about what is happening in my studio and musician life, behind the scenes shots into the studio and other relevant community information. This is where I post most often and in real time to give more personal information about myself and the work I love.

  • Who do I connect with? Parents and students of my studio as well as teachers from all over the world! 

  • Anything unique or special about this platform? This has been a great way to connect with my middle school aged students and older outside of lessons, as well as other private music teachers. It makes such a difference that I can follow back through this account and see what they’re posting, too! I’ve learned about other hobbies my students have, traditions my studio families have… It’s given me a greater context for the people I serve and I love that aspect! Connecting with other music teachers was an unexpected perk of Instagram, but I am so grateful for the insight into other studios and the camaraderie that has come out of this as well. 


  • What information do I share here? On Facebook you can find information onevents for my studio, reminders about my performance schedule as well as resources like performance videos of professional violinist and links to educational resources. Additionally, updates on weather, illness and make up schedules are often shared here and through email. My posts on Facebook are more detailed than my Instagram posts, but still posted in real time to give students and their parents time sensitive reminders and notifications.

  • Who do I connect with? Mostly parents and adult students in my studio. Other local supporters of my studio also seem to keep tabs on my studio through this resource.

  • Anything unique or special about this platform? I’ve recently been loving the Event planning aspect of Facebook even more! This was a huge help to my most recent studio recital since I could share the timeline for the day, copies of the group pieces, copies of the recital programs and more in one spot. I could share the link to this page with parents and immediately they would have all the information they needed to get ready for this big event.


  • What information do I share here? My studio website is where I host static information that doesn’t change as frequently such as studio policies for each of my studios, my performance contract for weddings and other business/social events and my blog. This is designed to be the hub where students, parents, other teachers and the general public can visit and learn the most about me and what I currently offer to the community! 

  • Who do I connect with? Everyone! 

  • Anything unique or special about this platform?I’ve enjoyed the ability to include the variety of services I can offer in one place. I recently came across the term “Portfolio Career” on Katherine Emeneth’s Instagram feed (You can find her @theflutistsplaybook there!) and it resonated with me so strongly. If you are curious about what a portfolio career is, regardless of your industry, check out this article here. It was a new concept to me and I think more of us can identify with it than you might think!

    Most musicians I know make their livelihood through a multitude of income streams: Performing with ensembles. Teaching private music lessons. Performing for weddings or business events. Teaching group classes. Coaching for their community’s orchestra or band. Arranging music. Recording musicians. Teaching a workshop. Playing at restaurants or bars. Consulting on any of the areas I’ve mentioned where they are an expert. The list can go on. My career is no different, so I’ve been trying to spread my wings and include all these facets of my business more inclusively on my website. 


  • What information do I share here? Just like those of you who use Pinterest for planning birthday parties or saving recipes, I use my studio’s Pinterest account to save anything I think might be useful in the future for me to use in my teaching or business. This can range from lesson plans, teaching resources, new ideas for introducing music concepts or for group classes, gift ideas for recitals and more. Its been a help for me to organize the online resources I come across and what to save for a later date. I also share some of my resources through Pinterest with the hope that it can help other teachers, too!

  • Who do I connect with? Mostly other teachers and parents. 

  • Anything unique or special about this platform? Just like my personal Pinterest page where I pin everything from recipes to outfit ideas to home décor, I find this helps me keep brainstorming new ideas for my teaching. And I like the stimulation! It’s also been a convenient way for me to sift through my boards on specific concepts when I have a student with a particular struggle to find ideas I might have forgotten about so we have something new to try in lessons. 

So there you have it! Currently these platforms have done so much for my studio and how I communicate with anyone I am hoping to serve with my music. As you can see, Instagram tends to be the shortest and most frequent updates and then as I move through Facebook and my website, the information I share there is more detailed and consistent. Someday I hope to expand to Youtube and create resources for my studio’s parents there, but I am only one person and well… Baby steps. But I’ve found these tools I’ve already established are integral in running my studio and keeping things moving. 

Let me know what you think? What other platforms do you think I should add? Where do you like to spend most of your time? The whole point of using any of these tools is to share and store information, so I’d love to see how others work. Share them with me in the comments below or on Instagram @shawstrings!