Christmas (Music) in July!

Today I wanted to share a quick list I sent to my students in July! While I am still on maternity leave with my first born, but I am also missing my students dearly. With the hope and expectation that all students are ready for some fun music, here are some free resources to share with the violinists and violists in your life!


I love to share these songs with my students for several reasons. Just a couple include:

  • Real life connection. These are songs many students share with their friends and families. Their ears are already prepped to guide them through and lend some extra musicality to their playing!

  • Note reading practice. Sometimes my students need extra motivation to read their music instead of relying on their ears. Can you relate? I’ve found popular music, whether from holidays, movies, TV shows and more can provide an extra push for students frustrated in note reading.

  • Music is fun! If we are only ever getting students through scales, etudes and performance pieces, do we ever take a moment to share the joy of music with them? Our students need to know their desires and interests are important to us, too! This will keep them engaged with their music more than anything else.

I’d love to hear what resources you share with your students that match this theme! Do you have other holidays you share with your students? Share with me and other teachers in the comments below!