Music Scholarships for Hagerstown, Maryland

What scholarship opportunities are out there for private music lessons? 

For students and their families looking to study music, the cost can often be a deterrent. Unfortunately, music teachers have to be able to afford a living, too! It is hard to balance these two passions: Musicians making a living through our craft and the community having access to our craft. Taking advantage of and supporting your local programs is a great way to bridge this gap. 

A special note for teachers outside of my area

While the resources found in this post are specific to my studio’s location, I would encourage other music teachers to research and compile a similar list for their area. If we are creative, generous and collaborative we can find ways to increase access to our studio! 

Once you have this list together, be sure to forward it to your local orchestra, choir and band teachers who can share it with their students who may benefit the most from these programs. We are all part of the arts community and when one part does well, we all do well! 

As of October 2020, this is a list of available resources for Hagerstown, Maryland and the surrounding areas. 

Judy Rand and Friends Scholarship Fund 

This scholarship is for aspiring young string musicians in the Shepherd Community Music Program! Students should study violin, viola, cello or bass and must take lessons within Shepherd’s program, as well as participate in either the Junior Strings Ensemble or Community Orchestra. For additional information on requirements and to apply, please contact Anthony Stoika by email at 

Maryland Symphony Orchestra’s Bennet Rubin Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is awarded by the MSO Education committee, who reviews the eligibility of each applicant. The application can be found on the Maryland Symphony’s website here.

Community Foundation of Washington County MD, Inc.

Various scholarships are available to students studying music through their scholarship page here. Some specific to music and the arts are Melissa Collins Memorial Scholarship Fund, Bill Dorsey Scholarship Fund for BISFA, Charas Heurich Memorial Scholarship Fund, Hub City Raven’s Roost #124 Inc. Fund, Evan Price Music Scholarship and more. Visit their website for additional opportunities through grands and Field of Interest Funds here.  

Music Link Foundation: 

This organization operates throughout the US by pairing up teachers who are willing to take on students with exceptional music needs/gifts for a reduced fee. All teachers are required to pass a background check. All students and their needs will be verified before admittance into the program. In exchange, you do receive some perks like discounts with publishers, some music shops, etc. This foundation can also provide instruments to students in need and some other services, too. To get matched with a teacher through the Music Link Foundation, visit their website here

Over time I hope to keep this page up to date with new opportunities in our area! If there is one that I’ve missed, please feel free to share it with me and I’ll be sure to include it. 

I hope you seek out ways to support your local funds, as well as share with any student musician who might benefit. 

Thank you!