Books for Parents in My Suzuki Violin Studio Library

We are coming up on a year in my home studio and one of my favorite things about having my own dedicated space is that I can offer a library to my students and their families! For years before this I’ve tried lending electronic copies of books or remembering to bring relevant books to our lesson times… Let’s just say it was really difficult! I love having all my resources at my fingertips and am happy to have physical copies to share now!

Today I’ll be giving a brief overview of the books I have in my library specifically for studio parents and caregivers! Check these out below and let me know what titles you would add. (Links are provided to help you locate your own copy if you’d like, with a few being affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!) 

Books for Parents and Caregivers of Music Students, in alphabetical order of author’s last name:

This book has distilled the traits of families who get the most out of Suzuki music lessons in an approachable and practical way. I love that Christine has the perspective of student, parent AND teacher as she walks us through what she has noticed in most successful students and their families. The saying goes “It takes a village” and for our young musicians to thrive their family has a huge role to play. 

Another great resource for those supporting young musicians at home, this book feels like the field guide to good practice times. The first time I read this book I was not a parent and did not have a child practicing in my home, but I eagerly shared it with studio families at the time. My most recent pass through this book has been eye opening for myself as we are settling into our music routines with my three year old and let me just say - Glad to have this resource!

This is the newest title on today’s list! I was excited to see this book come out and learn more about Shinichi Suzuki’s life, and really appreciated the context this book provided for his philosophy. For parents looking to know more about this man, his vision and what Suzuki teachers might value in this method of teaching than others, this is worth the look! You can find a great interview with the author through the Suzuki Association available here as well: Suzuki in Action

This is another practical resource for parents that really understands the time constraints a parent is often dealing with. Written in short articles with one point to focus on in practice time, Edmund has really given parents a reminder of where their child might be developmentally, what expectations are realistic and what we can do to make the most of the child in front of us. 

Not a new title, but the newest addition to my studio library is this classic! William Starr is known as the founder of the Suzuki Association of the Americas and a Suzuki pedagogue in his own right. This book has been on my to read list for a very long time and comes highly recommended. I hope to tackle it myself this summer, but I’m happy to share if a parent needs it!

Both of these books serve as a wonderful introduction to Dr. Suzuki’s philosophy of education. I think most people would recommend Nurtured by Love first and foremost to anyone looking to learn more about the method, but I found Ability Development to be especially powerful to me as a new parent. This speaks to the power we have in helping our child grow, develop and become people of good character. I read this in its entirety for the first time as a new mom and it was really something I took to heart.

So - What book will you pick up next?!

For parents in my studio, I hope you see something you might be interested in checking out or adding to your own home library! For other teachers, I’d love to know what titles you like off this list or what you think I should add. As a book lover, music teacher and parent, I’m always looking for new books to read! Let me know in the comments below or send me a message on IG @shawstrings - Can’t wait to hear from you!